Site Investigation for a new barn conversion

We recently attended a site near Grantham where some lovely stone barns have been granted planning permission for conversion into dwellings. Part of the planning conditions required us to conduct a Phase 1 desk top study documenting all the previous and existing land uses of the site and adjacent land. We then followed this up […]

Sampling of Asphalt for PAH and Coal Tar

We were on site at Nottingham recently for a client sampling the Asphalt in the carriageway to determine if it contained Coal Tar and thus elevated levels of PAH. Waste classification. Coal tar is classified as carcinogenic due to its high concentration of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) – more that 15,000 times that found in […]

Phase 2 Ground Investigation in Chesterfield

Following on from our machine excavated trials holes at this site in Chesterfield we were back on site this week with a Dynamic Sampling rig. A total of three boreholes were sunk across the site and groundwater and ground gas monitoring installations fitted. Samples were collected for geotechnical and contamination testing. The site lies over […]

Foundation inspection pits

We were on site yesterday excavating foundation inspection pits and trial holes to assess the existing foundations of a commercial property in Chesterfield. We will be back next week to drill boreholes and install ground gas and groundwater monitoring pipes as part of a full Phase 2 Ground Investigation.